Google Web Designer (deb unable to be installed on 24.04.1 LTS)

This application snapped would eliminate the dependency troubles and help a great number of people.

It seems undoable to get the deb of Google Web Designer to install on Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS. The deb-file apparently installed on 22.04 LTS without problem. Gdebi, App Center, Discover, dpkg, etc. have already been tried now with the new LTS.

The application is essential to possibly millions of users and after upgrading to Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS, its installation has become a no-go situation.

The post at Google’s end was locked without any reply:

The problem for starters are libappindcator1 / libappindcator3-1 that are not found via apt. Then libglib2.0-0 (>= 2.79.0).

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Trying to create the snap. For now, there is a known issue where the app crashes when opening the file picker with the log Aborted (core dumped). Any idea?

Current snapcraft.yaml

name: google-webdesigner
base: core22
version: ""
summary: Google Web Designer
description: |
  Google Web Designer gives you the power to create beautiful and compelling videos, images, and HTML5 ads. Use animation and interactive elements to build out your creative vision, then scale your content for different sizes or audiences with responsive and dynamic workflows.

grade: devel
confinement: strict

    command: opt/google/webdesigner/webdesigner
    desktop: usr/share/applications/google-webdesigner.desktop
      LD_LIBRARY_PATH: "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$SNAP/opt/google/webdesigner"
      - home
      - desktop-legacy
      - network-control
      - steam-support

    plugin: dump
    source: google-webdesigner.deb
      - libasound2
      - libatk1.0-0
      - libatk-bridge2.0-0
      - libatspi2.0-0
      - libcairo2
      - libcups2
      - libgbm1
      - libgtk-3-0
      - libnspr4
      - libnss3
      - libpango-1.0-0
      - libx11-6
      - libxcb1
      - libxcomposite1
      - libxdamage1
      - libxext6
      - libxfixes3
      - libxkbcommon0
      - libxrandr2
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Yes, please. Help make this happen as it currently can’t be installed on the latest Ubuntu LTS.