Git-ubuntu in arm64(aarch64) ubuntu core

error: snap “git-ubuntu” is not available on beta for this architecture (arm64) but exists on other
architectures (amd64, i386).

As far as I’ve investigated, in arm64 architecture is not possible to have git. I am using an snap of docker, to deploy containers with volumes linked to the linux home folder. Is there where I modify my code/repos. But without git. There are many adapted snap arm64 packages,so it sounds rare to me, that git-ubuntu is not. Is there any workaround?

Beyond this…:

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Hi, are you trying to install specifically the git-ubuntu snap, or are you just looking for a way to use the git command on arm64? Also what Operating System are you using? Are you using Ubuntu Core or a classic distro like Ubuntu Server or Ubuntu Desktop?

I am sorry. I am using ubuntu core in rpi4 (arm64). Well, at the end,my purpose is to use it, and I’ve seen that apt in classic is possible but not recommended also. Shouldn’t be a clean way to use git? Am I missing something?

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$ snap install lxd
$ sudo lxd init --auto
$ sudo lxc launch ubuntu:18.04 bionic
Creating bionic
Starting bionic
$ sudo lxc shell bionic

now you can apt install git (though i think it is even pre-installed in our lxd images) or whatever else you need/want … there are ways to share the home dir from the host as well, documentation should be available via

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First, I tried the ssh agent forward with docker and its buildkit, but it doesn’t work:

Then I tried with your advice, which doesn’t have agent forward neither:

I also now have the problem on my Raspberry Pi 4 (arm64) that I can’t install the snap ‘git-ubuntu’ for the Arm Architecture :frowning:

BTW Where are the repo for this specific snap ?

you should file a bug on launchpad so the maintainers enable the arm specific builds for this snap (it is currently only created for x86 architectures it seems):

I’ve found my own solution and it is very simple, you can find detailed steps here:

well, instead of making a docker mess on your Ubuntu Core install, better use lxd (which is fully supported on Ubuntu Core and gets actually tested against the core images) …

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Thankyou @ogra. It seems better general solution.

I use docker for another things in my image (some official docker images indeed like the openhab). I tried to use openhab appliance, but it is not supported by openhab neither Ubuntu Core (Snaps) so I finally ended using docker for everything. I know little about lxd, but not sure so I’m not sure if is possible to use curated, supported images.

Do you have an example about how can I use lxd for git? I imagine it should be based on core image but installing git package…

i wrote abut it above already:

lxd gives you a classic ubuntu environment on top of Ubuntu Core so you can just use apt or install any classic snaps like the git-ubuntu snap (if it finally has an arm64 build, not sure @rbasak has enabled this since this thread started)

Also, to my knowledge the OpenHAB snap in the store is maintained and fully supported by the OpenHAB foundation and issues can be filed here:

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Sorry, totally missed your comment before. Thanks, it will be useful then for a lot of issues, but for the next project.

Also, it seems openhab is now snap official, but not one year ago I think when I’ve found issues with usb Openhab 3.0 - no access to z-wave usb-stick good news that it is actually better supported. I ended using docker as a workaround, because I think that appliances would be a better option, but I had to install deconz, mosquito, and 3th party not trusted software that I decided to use docker.

But I will try lxd in the future, I never find out that option in “internet forums”.

Thank you @ogra

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@ogra this has been blocked on upstream snap teams (not sure which) since 2018: Launchpad post-build pre-upload testing

People tend to find the git-ubuntu snap when they want git, but this isn’t the intention of the git-ubuntu snap. I recently added this to the git-ubuntu snap description: “although this snap embeds git as a dependency, it isn’t intended for the purpose of providing git itself.”