GIF creation on Ubuntu not possible now - could SimpleScreenRecorder be snapped?

I tried to get Peek and SimpleScreenRecorder working, and Kooha is Flatpak only. I cannot find a one single program that would work on a modern Ubuntu currently that would enable to create a gif screenshot. Gnome screenshot program only creates mp4’s and not even the output folder can be chosen (changed).

For the record, this non-snapcrafters one does not work: Install SimpleScreenRecorder (UNOFFICIAL) on Linux | Snap Store

So, please help?

Ps. One software actually launched via deb install (can’t remember its name) but then the Wayland became an issue: black screen…

Gnome screenshot program only creates mp4’s and not even the output folder can be chosen (changed).

it’s rather not gnome-screenshot program, suppose it’s (javascript?) gnome-shell-screenshot extension

cannot find a one single program that would work on a modern Ubuntu currently that would enable to create a gif screenshot.

If gdk-pixbuf has .gif among supported formats, suppose it can be saved with gnome-screenshot by using .gif as file extension. If not, default png can be easily converted to gif with something like:

gnome-screenshot -a -f shot.png && convert shot.png shot.gif

I believe this app from Edge channel (v 0.2.0) should work with Wayland:

Also, even on modern Ubuntu you can switch to Xorg in the login screen

It doesn’t work:


snap “blue-recorder” requires devmode or confinement override"

I have no idea what this means and likely most of the normal users :confused: it is getting way too hard getting a gif recorder working, really!

I have kooha ready, I am waiting for the next pipewire release to make it available. Thanks for your patience :pray:

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Amazing :star_struck: million thanks to you in advance. Sounds like a savior!

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