With the latest Ubuntu, Firefox is used as a snap. I was told by Ubuntu’s bug reporting tool to report problems here. My problems:
Firefox can’t access Gnome online mounts. I am used to store files directly to my WebDAV mounts, or view PDF files with Firefox from there. That doesn’t work anymore since Firefox is a snap.
Firefox can’t access files in /tmp. I have a symlink from $HOME/tmp to /tmp/myuser and save most downloads there, because
a. they’re automatically gone when I shut down the PC, and
b. it doesn’t stress the SSD there.
This is now also not possible with snap anymore.
Is there any advice? Shall I report it somewhere else?
For gvfs maybe its related to connected interfaces to your Firefox.
What is the output of :
snap connections firefox
For /tmp I’m afraid this will never work for Firefox as a snap because of how snap sandboxing/confinment works.
Unless ugly workarounds ( a bind mount of /tmp inside your personal folder ).
[edit] as suggested by @oSoMoN
Given it’s connected to the needed interfaces, a snap can access /home, /media, /tmp, /run/media and nothing else.
[edit] I was thinking about /mnt but typed /tmp → /tmp can’t be accessed by snap but /mnt is accessible once removable-media interface is connected.
I have to add that only already mounted locations appear here. So if I mount my sftp target in nautilus, I can see it there. If I don’t, it won’t appear here.
and I can access the files. In Firefox, it doesn’t appear (for instance, as File>Save target).
But a bind mount requires root privileges, while creating something in /tmp does not. /tmp/myuser is created at GNOME login by a script without root privileges.
I have to rewrite the logic to something that requires root privileges to make it work again. Not very secure…
Yep. I was thinking about /mnt and typed /tmp instead, my bad.
Hence the first part :
@aThae7 another thing to check regarding .gvfs are the rights and permissions in your personal folder : find ~ ! -user $USER
If no problem, this command will output nothing.
If problem⋅s it will output a list of files and folders you no longer own.
( anything under /home/$USER is supposed to belong to $USER - dbbus, .gvfs, .cache and so on ).
It seems the needed interfaces are connected to your Firefox snap : removable-media, network…
Does Chromium-as-a-snap have access to your GVFS mounts ?