I’m taking part of the ‘Fedora challange’ by Jason Evangelho and thought that this would be a great idea to write a script that installs all my favorite tools via snap so I don’t have to worry about the package names in the Ubuntu or Fedora repositories.
Unfortunately I already got stuck at the first snap install. I can’t install VScode on a fresh Fedora 29 installation.
Snap version:
[peter@tp450s fedora]$ snap version
snap 2.37.4-2.fc29
snapd 2.37.4-2.fc29
series 16
fedora 29
kernel 4.20.13-200.fc29.x86_64
Installation & error message:
[peter@tp450s fedora]$ sudo snap install vscode --classic
[sudo] Passwort für peter:
error: cannot install "vscode": classic confinement requires snaps under /snap or symlink from
/snap to /var/lib/snapd/snap
Is this a known error and or a workaround?