Feature Requestion: Markdown support in Snap Store

(Please let me know if this the right place to post this. If not, I’ll move it.)

I’d like to request Markdown support on the Snapcraft store to make it easier to format snap information on the website.


It is the right place, but Markdown support is already under discussion / in the works, see here: Use of markdown in snap metadata (summary / description) . It can’t be added just in the snap store as you suggest however, because all the components of the snap ecosystem need to be aware of markdown for it to function properly. Please direct all further discussion to that topic :slight_smile:

  • Daniel
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I’m talking solely about the snapcraft.io/store website. I don’t see a need for it in the metadata, but for the snap description on the website.

The snap’s description on the website is intimately tied to the description: field in snap.yaml; so despite you not seeing the need, it does exist :stuck_out_tongue: Cheers,

  • Daniel

This is now available on https://snapcraft.io/snaps