Failed to remodel from "recovered" image

Hello there,

Background: We are developing an Ubuntu Core IoT device that is supposed to function without any form of system-user login. We start the devices on a “factory image” linked to a “factory model”, and we “commission” the devices by doing a “remodel” action to a different model and different (sub)store. We trigger the remodel action from a Landscape script (so not from CLI, but over the snapd REST API).

Today I was playing around with recovery modes. Basically this is what I want to achieve: If anything fails on the device (like Landscape failing to come online) I want my clients to be able to “factory reset” my device, so we can start “fresh”, without a support engineer having to go install a new Ubuntu Core image. I tried picking the first recovery image and booted it in “install mode”: this image is on the “factory model”. When I tried to do the remodel action again, it failed, with this message:

:~$ snap change 7
Status  Spawn               Ready               Summary
Error   today at 08:00 UTC  today at 08:00 UTC  Request new device serial
Hold    today at 08:00 UTC  today at 08:00 UTC  Prepare remodeling

Request new device serial

2024-10-01T08:00:45Z ERROR cannot save serial to device save assertion database: account-key (iqnwY7BQEy_26TCj6olbBaFiRnmvPTfCO-QLWqQLwEQ7qN-iru3PCvzsP3h0asux) not found

I have no idea what this error means and how to resolve it.

Should it be possible to remodel from a recovered image? Or should I be booting in a different mode?

The issue here was on my side.

I was busy playing around with different model and serial keys.

I don’t know exactly what I did, but the reason I couldn’t get a new serial when remodeling had to do with that.

If you try it without changing any keys it works.

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