Errors from snapd on bootup

I am running snaps on Ubuntu Core on an arm64 device and have noticed recently the following errors on boot-up. It doesn’t fail to boot and there is nothing obvious and seems to functioning normally otherwise :

Jan 23 16:18:35 episensor-d83add0a5c14 snap[2326]: cmd_auto_import.go:206: error: cannot mount /dev/mmcblk0boot1: mount: /tmp/snapd-auto-import-mount-586943517: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/mmcblk0boot1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.

Jan 23 16:18:35 episensor-d83add0a5c14 snap[2324]: cmd_auto_import.go:206: error: cannot mount /dev/mmcblk0: mount: /tmp/snapd-auto-import-mount-1751368186: /dev/mmcblk0 already mounted or mount point busy.

Jan 23 16:18:35 episensor-d83add0a5c14 snap[2327]: cmd_auto_import.go:206: error: cannot mount /dev/mmcblk0p1: mount: /tmp/snapd-auto-import-mount-3211811114: /dev/mmcblk0p1 already mounted on /run/mnt/ubuntu-seed.

Thanks for reporting this. It seems that the snap auto-import command is a bit over-eager to try to find assertions on devices where those are very unlikely to be found. It can be safely ignored, although I’ll poke the relevant folks to have a look at fixing this.

cc @abeato

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