"Error when running Pinta.2.1.1snap in an offline environment."

In an offline environment with Ubuntu 22.04, I have several .snap packages, including Pinta.2.1.1.snap. The installation runs successfully from the console using the command ‘sudo snap install ./Pinta.2.1.1.snap --dangerous’, but the execution fails with the error ‘Content snap command-chain for /snap/pinta/x1/gnome-platform/command-chain/desktop-launch not found: ensure slot is connected’.

this snap seems to use a gnome extension which snapd would normally download on the fly … if you can not do this you will need to first install the extension snap, then the install of pinta should work … check on a connected system which content snap it normally installs and connects to …

$ snap connections pinta

Interface Plug Slot Notes

content pinta:gnome-42-2204 - -

content[gtk-3-themes] pinta:gtk-3-themes gtk-common-themes:gtk-3-themes -

content[icon-themes] pinta:icon-themes gtk-common-themes:icon-themes -

content[sound-themes] pinta:sound-themes gtk-common-themes:sound-themes -

dbus - pinta:pinta-dbus-service -

desktop pinta:desktop :desktop -

desktop-legacy pinta:desktop-legacy :desktop-legacy -

gsettings pinta:gsettings :gsettings -

home pinta:home :home -

network pinta:network :network -

opengl pinta:opengl :opengl -

removable-media pinta:removable-media - -

unity7 pinta:unity7 :unity7 -

wayland pinta:wayland :wayland -

x11 pinta:x11 :x11 -

$ sudo snap connect pinta:gnome-42-2204

[sudo] password for useryo:

error: snap “snapd” has no “content” interface slots

as i said, you need to download and install the extension snap first … (it provides the content slot for the app to access all its shared libs, themes, fonts etc)

What extension are you referring to? (I have downloaded gnome-42-2204.) $ snap list

Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes

bare 1.0 5 latest/stable canonical✓ base

brave 1.51.118 x1 - - -

chromium 114.0.5735.106 x1 - - -

core18 20230503 x1 - - base

core20 20220318 1405 latest/stable canonical✓ base

core22 20230503 x1 - - base

cups 2.4.2-5 x1 - - -

firefox 114.0.2-1 x1 latest/stable/… - -

gitkraken 9.4.0 x1 - - classic

gnome-3-28-1804 3.28.0-19-g98f9e67.98f9e67 x1 - - -

gnome-3-38-2004 0+git.1f9014a 99 latest/stable/… canonical✓ -

gnome-42-2204 0+git.587e965 x1 - - -

gtk-common-themes 0.1-79-ga83e90c 1534 latest/stable/… canonical✓ -

htop 3.2.2 x1 - - -

onlyoffice-desktopeditors 7.3.3 x1 - - -

pinta 2.1.1 x1 - - -

remmina v1.4.30 x1 - - -

snap-store 41.3-71-g709398e x1 - - -

snapd 2.54.4 15177 latest/stable canonical✓ snapd

termius-app 7.59.5 x1 - - -

As you have installed gnome-42-2204, now try to install pinta once again, if it doesn’t work, please report it.

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You’ve installed all these snaps without using snap ack, as a result, snapd doesn’t have the instructions from the snap store to autoconnect the content interfaces.

ideally you’d install with e.g

snap download example
snap ack example.ack
snap install example.snap

Without running snap ack, the Gnome content snap won’t ever autoconnect, because snap hasn’t had the instructions from the Snap Store to do so.

Running snap ack also verifies the signature of the snaps so that they aren’t tampered with; and is also a necessary step to enable automatic updates, none of these snaps above that begin with an X will ever update automatically.

This applies to both Pinta itself but e.g also snap-store, cups, gnome-42-2204, etc, essentially the whole list above.

Ideally you should be able to uninstall these snaps, run snap ack, and then reinstall them without needing --dangerous, and the autoconnections should then work. If preventing automatic updates was part of your goals, you can do that separately with snap refresh --hold.



First of all, thank you very much for your help. I’m going to describe my current scenario a little more. I have 2 PCs, one from my university with Windows and high-speed internet, and another personal one with Ubuntu MATE and internet but with a lower data plan and connection speed. So on the university PC, I perform the following action:

wget -c -O pinta.2.1.1.snap https://api.snapcraft.io/api/v1/snaps/download/GSnkYLqliZYZvozVLqnU1cUESEDhTAYc_147.snap

Then I copy the file to my Ubuntu PC:

sudo snap install ./pinta.2.1.1.snap --dangerous

With this method, I have been able to install several packages, but some like Pinta give me an error. The suggestion of using snap download would require me to have either Linux or WSL on the machine with internet access.

When running it, the same error is repeated.

Just do these, for most of the gtk based apps, this method will be same,

sudo snap connect pinta:gnome-42-2204 gnome-42-2204

sudo snap connect pinta:gtk-common-themes gtk-commont-themes:icon-themes

same for sound and other themes

“Thank you. I will inform you of the result as soon as I perform the tests.”