Empty "snap find" suddenly returns four snaps (but not more)

running “snap find” with a 2.24 based snapd on 16.04 i get the following:

ogra@styx:~$ snap find
Name Version Developer Notes Summary
docker 1.11.2-9 docker-inc - The docker app deployment mechanism
lxd 2.12 canonical - System container manager and API
mongo32 3.2.7 niemeyer - MongoDB document-oriented database
rocketchat-server 0.55.0 rocketchat - Group chat server for 100s, installed in seconds.

that list seems a) very short and b) pretty random

AFAIK those are called “featured apps”, not sure about the number, we are testing 2 < n < 50 https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/tests/main/searching/task.yaml#L8


it should probably have some caption saying “Featured Snaps:” or some such (and tell me that, to actually find something i should use “snap find ‘searchterm’”… the current behaviour and output is rather irritating)


@evan can you help get us an updated list of featured snaps?


  • anbox-installer
  • vlc
  • docker
  • lxd
  • rocketchat-server
  • bluehorizon
  • keepassxc
  • nextcloud
  • hugo
  • conjure-up
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I’ve submitted a bug with a suggestion to make it clearer that snap find with no arguments returns a list of featured snaps.

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Just a heads up: I updated production featured snaps to reflect the list @evan provided.

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We should also make it clear that people can request their snaps to be on that list. The space is of course limited, but we can easily rotate snaps on that list to make sure every neat snap gets some visibility.