The CI job has finished, so there is a build available here as an artifact:
If you are logged in to Github, it should be possible to download the “snap-files” artifact at the bottom of that page. You can install the modified snapd with the following commands:
sudo snap install --dangerous snapd_*.snap
After you’ve finished testing, switch back to the stable release from the store by running the following:
sudo snap refresh --amend --stable snapd
If you’ve got a system with an Nvidia GPU, I’d appreciate feedback on how this build runs. Some things that would be useful to test:
If you’re running Ubuntu 21.10, does this fix any snaps you use that are broken with stable snapd? Before testing the snap, run the following command:
sudo /usr/lib/snapd/snap-discard-ns $snap_name`
This will ensure you’re not using a sandbox set up by the old snapd version.
If you’re running an older version of Ubuntu, it would also be useful to test that this doesn’t cause regressions for apps you use.
Do old
base: core
snaps work? @kenvandine’s post above contains a list, but it’s probably best to pick snaps that appear to be somewhat actively maintained. Some look abandoned or uploaded as tests.If you find snaps that malfunction with this snapd build, it would also be useful to know whether they function correctly with stable snapd.
Reports of both successes and failures are appreciated.