Discord stopped working suddenly

[user@discord ~]$ discord
/snap/discord/121/usr/share/discord/Discord: error while loading shared libraries: libX11.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[user@discord ~]$ 

What can i do about this?

I’m not seeing the issue here. What’s the output from the snap version command please? Did something significant change on the system since it previously worked?

Thank you for answering me. I found out that I ran out of memory in my Virtual Machine. Now everything is working again.

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can you maybe help me with another issue:

[user@discord ~]$ whatsapp-for-linux
ERROR: not connected to the gnome-3-28-1804 content interface.
[user@discord ~]$ 

It stopped working

What is the output of snap connections whatsapp-for-linux and snap list ?