Df: cannot read table of mounted file systems: Permission denied


My snap is failing because it is calling the df command and hitting a permission isssue:

$ df
df: cannot read table of mounted file systems: Permission denied

Is there an interface I can use to enable the df command?

install the snappy-debug snap and run the snappy-debug command in a second terminal while running your app from another one.

this will print suggestions to the errors you get (i assume here it will suggest the mount-observe interface)

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Thanks for that suggestion!

I managed to fix it. I had to add mount-observe to the plugs.

Another change I needed to make was to move the plugs from the apps part a level up. I hadn’t realized that the application is calling other binaries inside the snap which then ran into permission issues. Thanks to snappy-debug I was able to see what is running into which issue.

Thanks again!

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