Dependency problems when installing snapd in RHEL 8


I am trying to install snapd in RHEL 8 following the instructions available here but I have issues with the dependencies of snapd-selinux that I am not able to resolve.

In regards to the instructions, I could add the EPEL repository but not the “ optional and extras repositories” with the proposed command. However, I added certain subscriptions (I read somewhere else that it was recommended to be subscribed to codeready-builder). By asking for the yum repolist, I can see that I am subscribed to:

repo id                                          

When trying sudo yum install snapd I get the error:

 Problem: package snapd-2.49-2.el8.x86_64 requires snapd-selinux = 2.49-2.el8, but none of the providers can be installed
  - conflicting requests
  - nothing provides selinux-policy-base >= 3.14.3-54.el8_3.2 needed by snapd-selinux-2.49-2.el8.noarch

Indeed, sudo rpm -aq | grep selinux shows me that I have older versions of SELinux-related packages:


Trying to upgrade selinux-policy packages so I can install snapd-selinux was impossible: I enter a rabbit hole of dependencies with conflicting requests (I can give more details if necessary, but I can say that trying --nobest and allowerasing didn‘t change the outcome).

I was wondering if there is a way to install an older version of snapd in RHEL 8 so there is no conflict, and if so, which one would be a good candidate.

Thank you for any information you may provide!

Snapd packages for EPEL are tracked in Fedora infrastructure. You can try one of the older updates which should be available here: There should be a list of builds on koji associated with each update.

I’m not sure why there is a problem installing a newer version of selinux-policy-base. Perhaps one of your other packages requires a particular older version and hence the conflict. If you have some sort of subscription contract with RH you can probably seek support for resolving those via more official channels. Otherwise try asking in some RHEL specific mailing lists maybe?

Thank you so much for the link and the suggestions!