Hello, I registered two Snap names, picocrypt and picocrypt-test, and I don’t need the latter anymore. From previous threads, it seems like it must be removed manually, so would anyone be willing to release “picocrypt-test”? Thank you!
Just a friendly bump, since it has been about half a year. Of course, this isn’t a huge deal, so if is a problem, I’ll just forget about it. Thanks.
This is probably better suited for the store-requests
category, which I imagine may be why it wasn’t seen by the relevant people originally. Still, hopefully the legend known as @roadmr may be able to assist
i have moved it over …
Thanks for the clarification.
Hi, both snaps have been revoked.
- Daniel
Thanks, but “picocrypt” has been deleted and I only need “picocrypt-test” removed (please refer to my original question). Can you please restore “picocrypt”? It’s an active snap and there are people installing it constantly.
Hi there,
I’m terribly sorry - this is entirely my fault because I misread your original request to delete both snaps - which is what I did
Revocation is definitive, which is actually why it’s not exposed to publishers. So at this point the only thing to do is to re-register picocrypt again and upload a new build to it.
I’m really sorry - please accept my apologies and let me know if I can help in any way. For starters, I will have to remove the “revocation” record so you can re-register the name. Let me know when you’re ready to do so.
- Daniel
That’s okay, no worries. We are human and make mistakes so no harm done.
As long as I can reregister picocrypt again, that’s all I need since I can just reupload the .snap and everything will be fine. Please free the name so I can register it again.
Thank you for your help! And don’t feel bad because it’s an easy fix on my end as well.
Thanks, that’s very considerate of you, I really appreciate what you said.
The revocation removal is done, please feel free to re-register the snap and reupload to it.
Let me know if anything behaves strangely.
- Daniel
It seems like the name is still revoked. Is it because there is some “cache” in place and that it will take some time before the name becomes available again?
Sorry, I had a very nice “are you sure?” screen I forgot to click on. Not my best day, for sure.
Please try again
- Daniel
Ah, it’s working now. Thanks for the help!
@roadmr Any idea on why the icon doesn’t appear properly? Both on the listing page (https://snapcraft.io/picocrypt) and in the Ubuntu store, the icon doesn’t show. I’m using the same SVG as before, so it shouldn’t be an icon format or size issue.
The icon situation is a problem on our side (see other recent threads about missing icons). We’ll get it fixed, no action needed from your part
- Daniel
Understood, thanks for your help.