Creating a custom Checkbox application for Ubuntu Core testing


I’ve followed the tutorial on the checkbox

When trying to build the custom checkbox-snap, the plugin which is declared in the snapcraft.yaml is not found:

Failed to load plugin: unknown plugin: 'checkbox-provider’

Do I miss any prerequisites or can anyone tell me whats the best way to use checkbox in a snap with own testcases?


Snapcraft 4.x has deprecated the way we designed the checkbox provider plugin. We’re working on updating our autoconf helpers to match the new version. Please note that building with a base core20 requires a different version of the local plugin (must be V2 compliant). Support for it landed in snapcraft stable channel two days ago.

So, are you building for a base core20?

I did build against core18, cloned the repository from the tutorial without any further changes.

Changing the snapcraft.yaml and building with base core20 leads to the same error.

Is there a timeline from your side when to expect the checkbox-provider plugin to be working with snapcraft 4.x?


Support for base: core18 has just landed in our configure scripts.

The following command will give you a snap skeleton for base18/classic/provider_included:

$ git clone git+ssh://
$ autoconf
$ ./configure project=baz base=18 --enable-classic --with-provider-included && ./
$ snapcraft --destructive-mode

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And support for base: core20 is also available:

The following command will give you a snap skeleton for base20/classic/provider_included:

$ git clone git+ssh://
$ autoconf
$ ./configure project=baz base=20 --enable-classic --with-provider-included && ./
$ snapcraft --destructive-mode

Thank you, i will try it with the new configure scripts

Hello Sylvain,

We followed the new configure scripts. Tried to have the hello world id in jobs.pxu file along with defining hello_world id under nested part in test-plan.pxu file of the checkbox-configure project.

Able to build the snap and could install on the hardware. But when tried to test this, unable to list “hello-world” test from the job list.