Cover Letter for [REDACTED]

Just wanted to paste it here for absolutely no reason…


I’m currently applying one of your jobs and would like to briefly introduce myself for your interests.

I’m a (yet) amateur coder, translator, and packager etc. with ~10 years of experience of using and working with the GNU+Linux operating system and F.O.S.S. in general on daily basis. I’m quite fond of troubleshooting and workaround/solving software/firmware/hardware-related problems encountered by myself or by the local community fellows and is quite active in several projects, including but not limited, to:

If you’re looking for someone with the following characteristics, you’re more than welcome to drop a line:

  • Comfortable working with the command-line interface
  • Comfortable reading documentation in manpage/Texinfo formats
  • Uses a debugger instead of printf(3)s, and knows how to generate a stacktrace
  • Writes proper SCM commit messages
  • Knows what a mailing list is
  • Uses UTF-8 (without the byte-order mark) instead of BIG5
  • Separates the content and the presentation of the document, including this one
  • Knows how to use the following commands:
    • git add --patch _path_
    • git rebase --interactive _base_
    • git bisect [start|bad|good|...]
    • _random_command_ 2>&1 | tee _random_command_.log

…I’m not sure what else should I boast around here, however, I do have a habit of pushing most of my work(as long as the copyright holder allows) on GitHub:

My résumé should be attached to this letter, if not, here’s an online copy:


Buo-ren, Lin