Corecfg tests crash with weird pthread bug when invoked with -count 1000

So on master I see this:

zyga@fyke:~/go/src/$ go test -count 1000
FAIL: corecfg_test.go:46: coreCfgSuite.TestConfigureErrorOnMissingCoreSupport

    c.Check(err, ErrorMatches, `(?m)cannot run systemctl - core-support interface seems disconnected: \[--version\] failed with exit status 1: simulate missing core-support`)
... error string = "cannot run snapctl: snapctl: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
... regex string = "(?m)cannot run systemctl - core-support interface seems disconnected: \\[--version\\] failed with exit status 1: simulate missing core-support"

Note the part that says which feels like another golang exec/fork bug. That test is essentially running this:

exec.Command("systemctl", "--version")

So this is more interesting as we dig deeper:

I made GitHub - zyga/snapd at wtf/weird-bug

14:34 < zyga-ubuntu> Chipaca: inside that branch run 14:34 < zyga-ubuntu> zyga@fyke:~/go/src/$ go test 14:34 < zyga-ubuntu> and compare that to 14:34 < zyga-ubuntu> zyga@fyke:~/go/src/$ go test -count 1000 14:34 < zyga-ubuntu> that shows the issue

It looks like the first mock of systemctl is not really happening at that time and sometimes we run the real thing that subsequently runs snapctl. The pthread message was supposedly coming from snapctl but I don’t have a proof for this.