So on master I see this:
zyga@fyke:~/go/src/$ go test -count 1000
FAIL: corecfg_test.go:46: coreCfgSuite.TestConfigureErrorOnMissingCoreSupport
c.Check(err, ErrorMatches, `(?m)cannot run systemctl - core-support interface seems disconnected: \[--version\] failed with exit status 1: simulate missing core-support`)
... error string = "cannot run snapctl: snapctl: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
... regex string = "(?m)cannot run systemctl - core-support interface seems disconnected: \\[--version\\] failed with exit status 1: simulate missing core-support"
Note the part that says
which feels like another golang exec/fork bug. That test is essentially running this:
exec.Command("systemctl", "--version")