Cmd_run.go:893: WARNING: cannot start document portal: Can't mount fuse fs

I haven’t touched my system for a week and now see this error.
What can be done besides reboot and how to prevent it?
I know that 2.40 is out but it is not on epel channel yet.
$ snap --version
snap 2.39.2-1.el7
snapd 2.39.2-1.el7

From the look of it, the “Can’t mount fuse fs” part of the error message comes from the xdg-document-portal service. Here are a few things that could help narrow down the problem:

  1. what is the version of the xdg-desktop-portal package installed on your system?

  2. does systemctl --user status xdg-document-portal.service show any interesting log messages?

# rpm -q xdg-desktop-portal
# systemctl --user status xdg-document-portal.service
Failed to get D-Bus connection: Connection refused
# exit
$ systemctl --user status xdg-document-portal.service
Failed to get D-Bus connection: No such file or directory

$ systemctl --user status xdg-document-portal.service
Failed to get properties: Process org.freedesktop.systemd1 exited with status 1

however, it seems that this warning is indeed a warning, application started after a system reboot and warning is still present.

I don’t have access to a RHEL7 box, so it is a bit hard to help debug this.

You shouldn’t use sudo when calling systemctl --user, since we are trying to talk to the user instance of systemd (which root has no access to). I’ve got no idea why you’re getting the “Failed to get D-Bus connection: No such file or directory” error when calling it as the regular user though.

Is there anything unusual about the way you’ve started your desktop session on the system?