Classic environment for core20

Is the classic environment available for use in core20? I see core20 reported in Canonical’s classic snap user distribution chart but there’s only tracks for 16 & 18 but nothing for core20. When trying to install it on a node with “sudo snap install --channel=18/beta classic --devmode” it reports “error: snap “classic” not found” with or without the channel specified.

Whatever it is, it looks abandoned:

  1. no updates since July 2019. (Before core20 was a thing)
  2. no stable (or even candidate) releases

Why would you want to install it?

A customer has a custom backup agent they want to use for disaster recovery. We’d prefer to just have a method for them to install it in the classic environment rather than build and maintain a snap for them.

The best alternative is likely installing the LXD snap and setting up a container which would act similarly to a classic environment. The classic snap is a relic that hasn’t been supported in years.