管理员好,我尝试提交的应用使用 Classic confinement 的原因

管理员好: 我的英文水平远不能达到顺畅交流的程度,所以就让我中文表达吧,请使用翻译软件,谢谢。

我尝试提交的应用之所以使用 Classic confinement,是因为这是一个调用深度学习模型的应用; 深度学习框架 pytorch 的运行需要庞大的运行时库,少则几百M多则上G的大小,难以直接打入安装包中; 我处理该问题的方法是先在本机系统寻找,未果后便通过 apt、pip 来安装; 我尝试了把 confinement 改为 devmode 后的实现情况,已然完全无法运行。


Hi @zzzzzzzzzzzc,

For the benefit of everyone else reading this post, I used a translator and got this:

"Hello administrator: My English level is far from the level of smooth communication, so let me express in Chinese, please use translation software, thank you.

The application I tried to submit uses Classic confinement because it is an application that calls a deep learning model; the operation of the deep learning framework pytorch requires a huge runtime library, ranging from a few hundred M to a G size, which is difficult to directly Put it into the installation package; The way I deal with this problem is to search for the local system first, and install it through apt and pip if it fails; I tried the implementation after changing the confinement to devmode, but it is completely inoperable.

As the first communication, I will write this first, it is definitely destined that we need more communication between us, trembling, thank you ".

I encourage you to also use a translator (although it is not perfect) since in this forum we all interact in English regardless of our native languages (For example, you are talking with an Spanish native speaker :)). 我鼓励您也使用翻译器(尽管它并不完美),因为在这个论坛中,无论我们的母语如何,我们都使用英语进行互动(例如,您正在与以西班牙语为母语的人交谈 :))。

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Hello, thank you for your kind help. I have replied to your email. Please try to read it


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