Classic confinement request for "zig" programming language snap

Zig is a programming language. The zig snap contains the Zig toolchain. It is classic confinement because it needs access to the filesystem.


@evan, @Wimpress, @popey - can one of you perform the vetting? AIUI, toolchains like this are typically classic (if they aren’t please enlighten me).

@Jayschwa I don’t see you in the upstream contributors for Zig. Are you involved with upstream Zig? Will you be working on the Zig snap as an upstream effort?

I have only made a small documentation change on upstream so far, though I’m interested in contributing more to the language. Andy, the Zig author, is fine with a snap being published, but wants someone else to maintain it.


Given the demonstrated engagement in the upstream project, the public track record, and the precedence of similar cases, +1 from me.

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Thanks for the feedback @Jayschwa. This is a +1 for me.

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Thanks for the additional data. +1 from me also.

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Thanks all. Do I need to take any further action, or should I try uploading a snap again?

Granting use of classic. This is now live.

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