Classic confinement request for poplog snap

Hi - Poplog is a programming development system that was developed at Sussex Uni in the early 1980s, commercially marketed until 1998, and shortly afterwards was made open source (MIT-style license). See wikipedia article on Poplog - link omitted as only allowed 2 links! The system has been maintained by a small group of enthusiasts but installation has been a big problem. This is part of my attempt to bring the build and installation process under control. At present the build process is hosted on CircleCI ( and adheres very closely to the complex build process from the FreePoplog archives maintained by Prof Aaron Sloman (

The build process is self-bootstrapping, which means it starts from a known working corepop executable that can recompile the Syspop-11 source code and reconstruct the compiler and REPL. As a consequence I am starting the snapcraft build process from a clean recompiled tarball. I hope to figure a way to make all parts of the process fully inspectable but that will depend on getting inward funding to create a bootstrap compiler in some widely available language.

Being an old-school , Lisp-like interactive development environment, Poplog needs to be shipped with classic confinement so it can interact freely with the rest of the user’s files, sockets etc. This is the first time through the process for me so I now realise I had better try filling in more blanks on the snap page to support this request.

Snap page has been given the key info. No branding will be done until we can get out of beta!

This request fits under the supported category of IDEs so requirements to grant classic confinement are understood.

@Igor could your please perform publisher vetting?



Thanks! Any news on this?

@sfkleach apologize for the delay.

@Igor ping, could you please proceed with publisher vetting? Thanks!

@sfkleach Echoing what emitorino said, sorry for the delay. I need some clarification from you. If I understand correctly, there is no official page for poplog anymore (since 2009), there is a free version maintained at the bham page? You are building off of the poplog hosted at CircleCI - are you in charge of that build process yourself, or someone else controls it?

Hi @Igor,
I’m working with @sfkleach on GetPoplog.
You are correct that there is no official home of poplog any more.
We’re building off of free poplog (the bham link you posted)
Our current homepage is at
We’ve packaged up poplog for a variety of other distros using the Open Build System (can’t post more than 2 links, but you can visit the site from the getpoplog github io URL above)
We own and maintain the following resources:

  • The github org ‘GetPoplog’
  • The CircleCI org ‘GetPoplog’ (the one @sfkleach referenced above)
  • The OBS user ‘getpoplog’

Thanks for posting Will. For some reason I got no notification of Igor’s response! It should be added that we’re not dependent on the FreePoplog distribution but we are actively tracking changes made in it.

Thanks @willprice, @sfkleach can you please PM the official (support) email associated with the getpoplog repo?

Hi @Igor ,
Sure, how’d we PM you? I can’t see a button anywhere.

I pinged you instead :slight_smile:

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+1 from me, I’ve verified the publisher.

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Granting use of classic. This is now live.

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