Classic confinement request for Notes app (amphi-notes)

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  • name: amphi-notes
  • description: A note-tatking app that allows users sync data via a self-hosted server
  • snapcraft: snapcraft.yaml at master
  • upstream: I cannot put a link
  • upstream-relation: Owner
  • supported-category: Utility, Productivity
  • reasoning: This app is based on Flutter, and the package I am using for video insertion (media-kit) in notes requires the mpv package on the system. I think editor package(flutter-quill) might require it as I remember

I understand that strict confinement is generally preferred over classic.

I’ve tried the existing interfaces to make the snap to work under strict confinement.

This is not a supported category, please see the (very limited) list of available supported categories at:

Note that it is very unlikely that your app does get allowed classic confinement, it will not fit any of these categories and access to a binary that you could simply bundle in your snap is not a valid reason for classic …

Have you tried to simply add mpv to your stage-packages ?

Yes, I already added mpv to stage-packages but app is can’t launching because it can’t get mpv. I requested because Obsidian is already working with classic, but I can’t? :cry:

What is the error you get then ? By default it should be inside the snaps PATH and should just be found … If the app hard-codes a location for launching it you can use a layout to re-map it to that location…

Today, I tried using the environment to remap to snap. I had already tried using the layout as well, but I encountered an error (I tried both: bind file and bind). It seemed like mpv was accessible, but then it gave an error saying libblas3 was missing, so I added libblas3. After that, I got another error saying librsvg2 was missing, so I added librsvg2, and this happened. It feels like every time I add a missing package, a new error just keeps appearing.

Heh, yes, this is how you find all the missing dependencies, it is surely a bit time consuming :wink:

Take a look at apt show mpv and check the Depends: line of that output, mpv simply has a lot of dependencies (many of these will be already in the core or gnome content snaps which is why you should not just copy/paste what is in the Depends: line, though you could actually do that but would then duplicate a lot of stuff and your snap would be bloated)