Classic confinement request for Nitrate

To make the review of your request easier, please use the following template to provide all the required details and also include any other information that may be relevant.

  • name: nitrate
  • description: Nitrate is a comprehensive tool to install, create, compile, analyze, recompose, and distribute software packages using the Nitrate Programming language. It integrates the entire Nitrate Toolchain and provides a consistent and reliable way to interact with Nitrate projects.
  • snapcraft: The snapcraft.yaml
  • upstream: github repo of Nitrate
  • upstream-relation: I am the publisher/project leader
  • supported-category: compilers, programming languages
  • reasoning: The Nitrate SNAP requires access to local system headers and libraries for compilation and linking (/usr/include, /usr/lib). It requires access to the local C,C++ header files (the new language supports including these directory via import directives). Because the tool contains the compiler it needs read-access to view any provided source-code files and write access to save the output to any location as specified by the “–output ” flag. The applications file-system access patterns/requirements are typical of programming language compilers like clang and gcc. There are other reasons why this app requires --classic, I’d be happy to clarify if more justification is needed. Both clang and gcc have been granted --classic confinement permission by the SNAP store, and I therefore think that my application is worthy of it as well. Thank you for your assistance.

I understand that strict confinement is generally preferred over classic.

I’ve tried the existing interfaces to make the snap to work under strict confinement.

Note that snappy-debug can be used to identify possible required interfaces. See for more information.

nitrate fits under the categories: compilers and programming languages. The requirements for classic are understood. I will begin publisher vetting.

Could you please provide your gitlab account associated with the upstream project.

Thank you.

GItHub link: Kracken256 (Wesley Jones) · GitHub

I have vetted the publisher. This is now live.