To make the review of your request easier, please use the following template to provide all the required details and also include any other information that may be relevant.
- name: MenuLibre
- description: MenuLibre is a gtk app to easily edit user and system .desktop files displayed in the gnome menu.
- snapcraft: The snapcraft.yaml
- upstream: github repo of MenuLibre
- upstream-relation: Merely a user of the app that would like to have it as a snap.
- supported-category: as I understand it : tools for local, non-root user driven configuration of/switching to development workspaces/environments
- reasoning: MenuLibre needs to have access to the system’s $PATH to work, as it displays and edits the system’s .desktop files. I have found in this forum topic that there is no way to grant a snap access to the host’s $PATH, and I therefore think the classic confinement is the only solution in order to have MenuLibre working as a snap. Furthermore, MenuLibre is already well known and open-source.
I understand that strict confinement is generally preferred over classic.
I’ve tried the existing interfaces to make the snap to work under strict confinement.
Note that snappy-debug can be used to identify possible required interfaces. See for more information.