Classic confinement request for k9s

As a short introduction, k9s is a terminal-based UI for managing kubernetes.

According to Process for reviewing classic confinement snaps, k9s qualifies for classic confinement because it meets the following criteria:

  1. “kubernetes tools requiring arbitrary authentication agents
  2. “running arbitrary command (esp if user-configurable such as a developer tool to organize dev environments)” — specifically, k9s launches the user’s editor to edit kubernetes resources. This can be nano, vim, etc.

As a tool to manage kubernetes, k9s is similar to kontena-lens and fluxctl. Both of those tools were granted classic confinement.

I’m a user of the project but want to assist after a conversation on github with @derailed.

Let me know what we should do to make progress on granting classic confinement to the k9s snap. Thank you!


Adding some more details here to illustrate how k9s, as a tool to manage kubernetes clusters, is similar to kontena-lens and fluxctl.

I use aws-iam-authenticator here to authenticate to a kubernetes cluster, but as pointed out in the requests for the other tools, authentication helpers can be arbitrary so it is not feasible to bundle all of them in a snap.

k9s is installed in strict mode via snap.

k9s configuration in ~/snap/k9s/current/.kube/config:

- name: admin
        - aws-iam-authenticator
        - token
        - -i
        - test
      command: aws-iam-authenticator

I then launch k9s, but information for my kubernetes cluster is unable to load because it cannot authenticate:


I exit k9s and view the log at /home/ubuntu/snap/k9s/x1/.local/state/k9s/k9s.log:

10:50PM INF 🐶 K9s starting up...
10:50PM ERR Fail to locate metrics-server error="Get \"\": getting credentials: exec: executable aws-iam-authenticator not found\n\nIt looks like you are trying to use a client-go credential plugin that is not installed.\n\nTo learn more about this feature, consult the documentation available at:\n"
10:50PM WRN namespace validation failed for: "default" error="user not authorized to list all namespaces"
10:50PM ERR can't connect to cluster error="Get \"\": getting credentials: exec: executable aws-iam-authenticator not found\n\nIt looks like you are trying to use a client-go credential plugin that is not installed.\n\nTo learn more about this feature, consult the documentation available at:\n"
10:50PM INF ✅ Kubernetes connectivity
10:50PM WRN namespace validation failed for: "default" error="user not authorized to list all namespaces"
10:50PM ERR Fail to load global/context configuration error="Get \"\": getting credentials: exec: executable aws-iam-authenticator not found\n\nIt looks like you are trying to use a client-go credential plugin that is not installed.\n\nTo learn more about this feature, consult the documentation available at:\n\ncannot connect to context: microk8s\nk8s connection failed for context: microk8s"
10:50PM WRN namespace validation failed for: "default" error="user not authorized to list all namespaces"
10:50PM ERR Load cluster resources - No API server connection
10:50PM ERR failed to list contexts error="no connection"
10:50PM WRN Unable to dial discovery API error="no connection to dial"
10:50PM ERR can't connect to cluster error="Get \"\": getting credentials: exec: executable aws-iam-authenticator not found\n\nIt looks like you are trying to use a client-go credential plugin that is not installed.\n\nTo learn more about this feature, consult the documentation available at:\n"
10:50PM ERR Load cluster resources - No API server connection
10:50PM WRN Unable to dial discovery API error="no connection to dial"

The log shows that k9s is unable to authenticate to kubernetes. This makes k9s unusable as a result.

Similarly to the classic requests from kontena-lens and fluxctl and your explained reasoning/use with aws-iam-authenticator, k9s fits within the supported categories for classic confinement as per Process for reviewing classic confinement snaps , under “kubernetes tools requiring arbitrary authentication agents ”.

Before proceeding with publisher vetting, @derailed are you still the publisher of the snap?

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Yes I am still the publisher. That’s excellent news. Thank you for the fwd Evan!

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I will begin publisher vetting

Hey @derailed , ping, can you please provide the requested information to @cav for publisher vetting process? You can find the request in a direct message from @cav . Thanks.

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@derailed - ping, this request cannot proceed without the requested information.

@derailed - since we’ve not heard back from you, we are removing this request from our review queue. When you have more time to respond, simply do so here and we can add the request back to the queue. Thanks