Classic confinement for 'mgccli'

  • name: mgccli
  • description: Magalu Cloud command line interface
  • snapcraft: we can’t provide the yaml, because we use Goreleaser to publish snaps: goreleaser_internal.yaml
  • upstream: Github - MagaluCloud/magalu
  • upstream-relation: admin
  • supported-category: public cloud agents
  • reasoning: strict confinement doesn’t allow all our S3-compatible functions to work.

I understand that strict confinement is generally preferred over classic.

I’ve tried the existing interfaces to make the snap to work under strict confinement.

Hey @geffersonFerraz

Could you please explain what is mgccli expected functionality and what are the errors you found while running the snap with strict confinement?


Hi @jslarraz

Magalu Cloud is the first public cloud in Brazil. And this is our CLI.

As is common with cloud companies, we also provide storage services (s3-compatible services), and with that, we need access to users’ files, both for reading and writing.

I tested the snap with strict confinement, and as expected according to the documentation, I couldn’t perform any upload or download operations from a bucket.

Therefore, I’m requesting classic mode for our snap.