Chromium-browser does not show on app launcher (KDE)

Hello. When I install chromium-browser, the created chromium-browser.desktop file has the setting NoDisplay=true so I cannot launch it via the app launcher. I now deleted this line, but why was it there in the first place?

Are you sure you’re discussing the Chromium snap package? The app is just chromium not chromium-browser and the .desktop file it installs for me is /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/chromium_chromium.desktop, which doesn’t have than line.

This is the chromium-browser deb package, which is a simple wrapper around the chromium snap package. It does installs /usr/share/applications/chromium-browser.desktop, and indeed that file has NoDisplay=true. The desktop file installed by the snap (chromium_chromium.desktop) should be used to make it a favourite app in your app launcher, as mentioned by @elcste.

Note that there is some logic in the wrapper script to change an existing favourite entry for well-known app launchers (GNOME Shell, Unity, MATE, KDE Plasma). Contributions for other app launchers are welcome!

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Sorry I replied from mail but apparently it didn’t go through :sweat_smile: I am on Kubuntu so indeed I installed it from apt chromium-browser wrapper package.

So I should use the desktop file written by the snap and not the one made by the wrapper? How will Kubuntu know to include files in var/lib/snapd/desktop/application? do i need to put it on some PATH?

That path should already be in $XDG_DATA_DIRS, and Plasma should respect this. If not, please let us know.

I installed chromium directly from the snap on Kubuntu 20.04 and don’t see the issue. Did not see it prior either when on 21.04