Change path $SNAP_COMMON


I have the installed the nextcloud snap and its version is 15.0.4snap1

I want to change the variable like $SNAP_DATA and $SNAP_COMMON to a different path. How can I change the same ?

snap --version
snap 2.37.2
snapd 2.37.2
series 16
ubuntu 18.04
kernel 4.15.0-45-generic


Can you explain the motivation behind your desire to change them. If you are after disk space you can just mount whatever storage you want in the /var/snap/ hierarchy and have it being picked up.

Dear Zyga,

Thank you for your advice, we will follow the same.

in logs we are getting some error how can I set the parameters in my.cnf and httpd.conf

Mysql -error
[Warning] TIMESTAMP with implicit DEFAULT value is deprecated. Please use --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp server option (see documentation for more details).

Apache -error
AH00558: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name,


I’m not really familiar with the snap you are working on but perhaps you can use the snap layouts feature to create an appropriate configuration file and present it in /etc/ somewhere appropriate.

Dear Zyga

Thank for reply, I have checked the docs you have sent, but from docuemnt I am unable to understand that

  1. In which file I have to make changes shown here in layout ?

  2. After making changes how to run that layout file ?

Those are only warnings, and not indicative of an error. You are talking about the Nextcloud snap which is largely maintained by @kyrofa over on Github. You can follow the link to file a report about these messages, but they don’t need to be corrected and might be deemed a low priority.