Cgroup v2 message after updating to 2.47.1

So I had read elsewhere that the cgroup warning on running commands was removed after some work that went in in 2.46 I think?

Strangely, on my Fedora 32 server install, the message is still present.

root@akane#>snap list
Name    Version   Rev    Tracking       Publisher   Notes
core18  20200929  1932   latest/stable  canonical✓  base
lxd     4.7       18137  latest/stable  canonical✓  -
snapd   2.47.1    9721   latest/stable  canonical✓  snapd

jon@akane$>lxc version
WARNING: cgroup v2 is not fully supported yet, proceeding with partial confinement
Client version: 4.7
Server version: 4.7

On a new Fedora 32 server install that never ran the older versions of snapd, the warning message is indeed gone. Anyone have an idea why the message persists after an upgrade?

You can check what version of snapd you have by running snap version. IIRC, for Fedora it will depend on the version of the snapd RPM package: the snapd snap won’t actually do anything on that system.

jon@akane$>snap version
snap    2.47.1-1.fc32
snapd   2.47.1-1.fc32
series  16
fedora  32
kernel  5.8.16-200.fc32.x86_64

Anyone have any ideas? Looks like the versions are correct.