Can't install Firefox and Chromium in LXD container

I’m setting up desktop environment in Ubuntu 22.04 LXD container for remoting purposes. I installed cinammon desktop which will include Firefox from snap, but it won’t install due to error with snap

error: cannot perform the following tasks:
- Setup snap "firefox" (2487) security profiles (cannot setup udev for snap "firefox": cannot reload udev rules: exit status 1
udev output:
Failed to send reload request: No such file or directory
- Setup snap "firefox" (2487) security profiles (cannot reload udev rules: exit status 1
udev output:
Failed to send reload request: No such file or directory
- Setup snap "firefox" (2487) security profiles for auto-connections (cannot reload udev rules: exit status 1
udev output:
Failed to send reload request: No such file or directory

The same as Chromium

error: cannot perform the following tasks:
- Setup snap "chromium" (2406) security profiles (cannot setup udev for snap "chromium": cannot reload udev rules: exit status 1
udev output:
Failed to send reload request: No such file or directory
- Setup snap "chromium" (2406) security profiles (cannot reload udev rules: exit status 1
udev output:
Failed to send reload request: No such file or directory
- Setup snap "cups" (872) security profiles (cannot setup udev for snap "cups": cannot reload udev rules: exit status 1
udev output:
Failed to send reload request: No such file or directory
- Setup snap "cups" (872) security profiles (cannot reload udev rules: exit status 1
udev output:
Failed to send reload request: No such file or directory
- Setup snap "cups" (872) security profiles for auto-connections (cannot reload udev rules: exit status 1
udev output:
Failed to send reload request: No such file or directory
- Setup snap "chromium" (2406) security profiles for auto-connections (cannot reload udev rules: exit status 1
udev output:
Failed to send reload request: No such file or directory

Does anyone why the file or directory are not found? and how to solve it? The LXD are running in privilege mode. Other packages like hello-world installed successfully and working

This is my versions

snap 2.58.3

snapd 2.58.3

series 16

ubuntu 22.04

kernel 5.10.60-qnap

That does not look like an Ubuntu kernel, did you make sure it has all the ubuntu security patches and the ubuntu default configuration?

I’m using Container Station under QNAP system. I manage to install Cinnamon without Firefox, everything are working fine, official Google Chrome works too, just only having installation issues with Snap. Is there a way to understand more why it is faling? like what does it need to access certain files or directories?

If a System reports itself as ubuntu the expectation is that it uses an ubuntu kernel.

This means a certain Set of config defaults and a certain Set of security patches. Your kernel misses these but all userspace expects that feature Set to be available… ubuntu is more than just the userspace…