Cannot use "sudo" command in python snap

I everyone,

I try to use sudo command inside my python script but it didn’t work. Here is my code:

import os,sys
import subprocess
def main():
	"Run the application"
	print ('hello! this is a snap.')
	os.system("sudo mkdir /home/kevinbertrand/test")
if __name__ == '__main__':

When I run this code directly with “sudo python3” or even “python3” it works. The message is printed and the directory is created. But when I compile the snap, with this snap craft.yaml:

name: helloworld
version: '0.0.1'
#version-script: git describe --abbrev=1 --tags
summary: python test package
description: |
 test app for python
base: core18
grade: stable
confinement: strict
command: bin/hello
plugs: [home]
plugin: python
python-version: python3
source: .
stage-packages: [ncbi-blast+]

The message is printed but the directory is not created and I get this message for the “sudo mkdir”:
sh: 1: sudo: Permission denied

Have you an idea to avoid this permission denied problem ?

The error you see is because, in the confined snap, you don’t have permissions to execute the sudo executable.

However, using sudo doesn’t really make a lot of sense: If you successfully run a command as root it will still be constrained by the snap’s confinement.

Maybe if you tell us what problem you hoped to solve with sudo there will be a more useful answer.

Yes that’s right, the confinement was not set in devmode. So I changed it and test it and it worked .
But now the problem is when I add more command in my program. So I follow this tests:

  1. Test the command directly in the terminal:
    netmgr -i ioyt_address set: 1234:1234:1234:1234:1234:1234

-> internal error, please report: running “netmgr” failed: open /snap/netmgr/x1/meta/snap.yaml: permission denied

  1. Test the sudo command directly in the terminal:
    sudo netmgr -i ioyt_address set: 1234:1234:1234:1234:1234:1234

-> AFTR set

  1. Test it in a file with the no-sudo command:
    netmgr -i ioyt_address set: 1234:1234:1234:1234:1234:1234
    Run the script with: python3

->internal error, please report: running “netmgr” failed: open /snap/netmgr/x1/meta/snap.yaml: permission denied

  1. Test it in a file:
    netmgr -i ioyt_address set: 1234:1234:1234:1234:1234:1234
    Run the script with: sudo python3

-> AFTR set

  1. Test it in a file with the sudo command:
    sudo netmgr -i ioyt_address set: 1234:1234:1234:1234:1234:1234
    Run the script with: python3

-> AFTR set

  1. snap it with “grade: devel” and “confinement: devmode”. Run the snap with “iotr-configuration”

-> sh: 1: netmgr not found

  1. After finding netmgr (/snap/bin/netmgr), re-install the snap and once again run the snap with “iotr-configuration”

-> internal error, please report: running “netmgr” failed: open /snap/netmgr/x1/meta/snap.yaml: permission denied

  1. Maybe by starting the snap with “sudo iotr-configuration”:

-> cannot open /run/snapd/ns/ Permission denied

Here is my tests and I’m stuck here now…