Cannot upload to store: resource-forbidden

Hey folks, I’m trying to push a snap to the store and open a temporary branch to host my snap. I first tried to do the upload automatically after the build on launchpad and it failed there:

Store upload failed:
Cannot upload new revisions for name=gnome-3-38-2004-sdk

Then I downloaded the snap and tried to manually upload it and it failed consistently:

heather@fenrir:~/Downloads$ snapcraft upload gnome-3-38-2004-sdk_0+git.aef43c3_amd64.snap --release=latest/edge/update-gtk3
You are required to login before continuing                                                                                                                                 
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craft-store error: Store operation failed:
- resource-forbidden: Cannot upload new revisions for name=gnome-3-38-2004-sdk                                                   
Full execution log: '/home/heather/.cache/snapcraft/log/snapcraft-20220511-162006.507500.log'

And the mentioned log file doesn’t add any information:

2022-05-11 16:20:45.464 craft-store error: Store operation failed:
- resource-forbidden: Cannot upload new revisions for name=gnome-3-38-2004-sdk
2022-05-11 16:20:45.464 Full execution log: '/home/heather/.cache/snapcraft/log/snapcraft-20220511-162006.507500.log'

In, this gnome-3-38-2004-sdk snap is not mentioned in my list of snaps, so is it a permissions error with my user? I thought that would have been circumvented by having push access to the LP repo that already publishes that snap, since it’s being uploaded not by me but by the desktop-snappers group.

Thanks in advance!

Hi there!!

You’re neither the owner nor a collaborator of gnome-3-38-2004-sdk, so it seems correct that you have no permissions to upload or release new revisions to it.

Having access to the LP repo has no bearing on store permissions; Launchpad builds are connected to the store using the credentials of an existing collaborator to the snap, that’s how that worflow is working.

As for the Launchpad upload failure, it’s likely the credentials have expired; there’s a button the person who manages those builds (Ken or Seb) can click to refresh credentials.

Give this a try and/or have Ken/Seb try it, and please let us know if it still doesn’t work.

  • Daniel

Thanks so much! I ended up just merging the change and using the existing snap to just publish to edge. Since this publishing (from the existing launchpad snap/auto publish to the store) worked, the credentials must still be working. So perhaps my initial attempt at uploading from a new snap in launchpad, is because I created the snap and don’t have the required permissions to push.

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