Hey @aliyazdi75 ,
Thanks for your post and apologize for the delay. There is a combination of reviewers on vacations, leaves and a lot of requests to process that is generating this delay.
Let me first confirm that this is the place to perform such questions and ask for help. The store-request
tag is frequently visited by the @reviewers on a weekly rotation base. Regarding processes, and/or general documentation to help you with your snaps, I would say that a handful set of links which can help when building/troubleshooting are these ones:
Without custom flags at installation, or subsequent interface connections , snaps are confined to a restrictive security sandbox with no access to system resources outside of the snap.
Snap developers need to be aware of the scope their applications have from within the snap.
Security policies and store policies work together to allow developers to quickly update their applications, and to provide safety to end users, and this document describes the sandbox and how to configure and work with th…
Interfaces enable resources from one snap to be shared with another and with the system. The table below lists currently supported interfaces, with links to further details for each interface.
The following column names are used:
Interface is the syntactical interface name, as used by snaps.
Description is a brief overview of what the interface permits. Select the interface name to open the interface-specific page for a more detailed description on each interface.
Categories are used t…
Building snaps can be a new experience for many developers. Here’s some tips which can help you successfully, reliably build snaps for publication in the Snap Store. This is a wiki post so feel free to add more tips to this page, to help build successful snaps!
Build Environment
Snaps are built to run on top of a base snap runtime. This base is provided by an automatically-installed snap. Currently the most widely used core image is based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.
Missing libraries
Most application…
Classic confinement review process
As of snapd 2.20, snappy supports confinement: classic which allows the snap to run without restrictions. Future releases of snapd will also support a classic interface (name TBD) that operates similarly. Snaps specifying classic confinement may target the stable channel, but are only supported on classic distro systems (ie, not on Ubuntu Core).
Because classic confinement snaps run without restrictions, use of classic confinement effectively gran…
Reviewers are in the @reviewers forum group
Architects are those responsible for the design of snapd.
Votes are in favor (+1), against (-1), abstain (+0)
Voting period is one week
Voting period extension is 3 days
Requester creates a forum post in the relevant store-requests subcategory , using the subcategory template to provide all the required details . Voting period starts at time of request.
Requester may not vote on his/her own snap.
Reviewers and/or architects vote u…
I will now visit the other topics you created and hopefully can help you with your issues.