Call for Testing: tidy: HTML parser and pretty printer. The grand daddy of HTML tools

Icon of Tidy

This is the unofficial snap for Tidy, “HTML parser and pretty printer. The grand daddy of HTML tools.”. It works on Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, and other major Linux distributions.

Build Status Badge of the  Snap

Screenshot of the Snapped Application

Published for with :gift_heart: by Snapcrafters


(Don’t have snapd installed?)

In Terminal

# Install Snap #
sudo snap install tidy

# Connect the Snap to Optional Interfaces #
## `removable-media`: For accessing files under /media and /run/media ##
sudo snap connect tidy:removable-media

The Graphical Way

Browse and follow the instructions.

What is Working

  • tidy --help
  • Beautify a file using external config

What is NOT Working…yet

None so far.

What is NOT Tested…yet

Anything else not listed in “What is Working”.
