With all my tears of joy, I want to share, that this issue has been fixed by this update. Even though, initially it’s just the nvidia card, later, it’s only on intel instead of nvidia… So, I guess there was some mismatch in the build, which is now fixed. So, kindly push this to the stable asap, because we’d need an auto connection for webkitgtk of core24 and I’d need to push newsflash 3.3.2 to stable with this thing working perfectly!
@soumyaDghosh thanks for the feedback. This needs further investigation.
It would appear there’s problem with the webkitgtk-6-gnome-2404 packaging…
Comparing the contents of webkitgtk-6-gnome-2404/candidate and mesa-2404/candidate they both ship some of the same libraries. That will lead to conflicts if/when they get out of step.
Looking at https://github.com/canonical/gpu-snap/blob/66196335cce768bb848ef7f00193f6708dd3417b/lists/mesa-2404.amd64.list#L364C24-L364C34 it would appear that webkitgtk-6-gnome-2404 is not doing the “cleanup” required by the gpu-2404 interface.
That should make webkitgtk-sdk work with the current stable mesa-2404, the current version is fragile: only if the snaps have the same content will things work.
As part of our testing and verification we found some content in the mesa-2404 snap that shouldn’t be there. Part of it was Snapcraft LP#2076115, but a bigger part was the mistaken addition of X11 drivers into the snap.
The cleanup lists were not updated to include that extra content (that’s a manual step by design - and how we discovered that unneeded content there) — that means there’s no breaking change in the pruning of the snap.
They are now published on the candidate channel, please refresh and report your results back.
snap refresh --channel candidate mesa-2404
We’re extending the call-for-testing period another week - planning to publish to stable August 14th.