Call for testing: Mari0: CE 1.5

I would like to announce a call for testing for the mari0-ce snap. Mari0: CE is The open-source, community-driven counterpart to Alesan’s Entities.


How to install

Get it from the Snap Store

please select the “beta” channel in the top-right drop-down version selection menu

or, in a terminal:

# If you haven't installed the snap before
sudo snap install --channel=beta mari0-ce

# If the snap is already installed
sudo snap refresh --channel=beta mari0-ce

# Connect the snap to optional security confinement interfaces #
## For allowing the game to use joystick ##
sudo snap connect mari0-ce:joystick

# Launch the application #
snap run mari0-ce

What to test

  • Can you properly launch the game?
  • Can you use the joystick for gameplay after connecting the snap to the joystick interface?
  • Can you play your favorite map pack without errors?
  • Do you notice any problems during running the game?


Time Event
2021-06-05T02:29:00Z Call of testing initiated
2021-06-12T02:30:00Z Version under test will be promoted to the stable channel if no blocker issues are found