We’re preparing a new gtk-common-themes release, and I would appreciate some testing feedback from anyone interested.
The new release can be tested by running the following command:
sudo snap refresh --candidate gtk-common-themes
and you can switch back to the regular release by running:
sudo snap refresh --stable gtk-common-themes
I don’t expect there to be many problems, but it’s been a long time since we last pushed a release, and the snap has been updated to build with modern Snapcraft (it’s now using build-base: core24).
Some things that would be worth checking:
Do any apps fail to apply a theme when they previously did?
Do any particular apps misrender with the new release?
Are there any problems on with particularly old (but supported) distros, or particularly old snaps?
I will note there are a few particular themes where changes are expected:
KDE Breeze and friends: these were removed from the snap so they can be published independently. If you are using have the snapd-desktop-integration package installed, you should be prompted to install gtk-theme-breeze and icon-theme-breeze next time you log in.
The Elementary theme: Elementary OS renamed their theme a while back (from elementary to a set of io.elementary.stylesheet.* variants), and we’re now shipping the latest version.
If there are no obvious problems, we’ll promote this release to stable.
Thank you for the feedback. What theme are you using when you received this error? If you are unsure, running gtk-query-settings gtk-theme-name should give the answer.
it is a default theme provided by distributive (not sure either by host OS or by snap subsystem)
% lsb_release -d
No LSB modules are available.
Description: Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS
% gtk-query-settings gtk-theme-name
gtk-theme-name: "Yaru-dark"
% snap run --shell pingpath
To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
See "man sudo_root" for details.
$ gtk-query-settings gtk-theme-name
Gtk-Message: 11:06:13.160: Not loading module "atk-bridge": The functionality is provided by GTK natively. Please try to not load it.
gtk-theme-name: "Yaru-dark"
p.s. in my case it’s used a default theme for toggling between light/dark variants, and this toggling works as it supposed to be with both gtk-common-theme versions (just a bit noisy gtk-warnings with a new one)
Okay, I can reproduce it here with the base Yaru theme with slightly different line numbers.
For gtk.css:1954:16-20: Expected a number, we have the following in the gresource file:
color: rgb(from currentColor r g b / calc(alpha * 0.55)); }
There’s similar for the other line numbers it is complaining about:
color: rgb(from currentColor r g b / calc(alpha * 0.3));
background-color: rgb(from #3D3D3D r g b / calc(alpha * 0.4));
border: 1px solid rgb(from white r g b / calc(alpha * 0.4)); }
background-color: rgb(from #d4d4d4 r g b / calc(alpha * 0.8));
border: 1px solid rgb(from white r g b / calc(alpha * 0.8)); }
So this is all CSS Color level 5 syntax that is presumably requires a newer version of GTK 4 than we have in the gnome-46-2404 platform snap. I think the use of the new syntax originates from this change:
After updating gtk-common-themes to version 0.1-92-g83a94a1 in Kubuntu 24.10, cursor appearance changed in all snaps.
Breeze cursor theme is used.
In all snap programs, the cursor turns white.
The second problem is that Firefox is now not using the Breeze theme, only adwaita.
Package snapd-desktop-integration is not installed in Kubuntu.
So, one need to do it and then install gtk-theme-breeze and icon-theme-breeze?
The candidate channel has been updated to revision 1538, which should fix the Yaru CSS issue (thanks to Marco in PR #15). That seems to clear up the warnings from pingpath for me.
Hello, I updated gtk-common-themes and noticed that it still doesn’t have GTK4 files for certain GTK themes, preventing Transmission Snap from using them, since it needs the GTK4 files.
Could you add the GTK4 files for these themes below to gtk-common-themes?