Call for Testing: Codespell snap

sudo snap install codespell --channel=beta

This is a snap of a python application that checks files for spelling mistakes. I would like it to be tested to see whether it is functioning as it should. Example usage can be found at .

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Hey @royabouhamad, thanks a lot for the great work so far!

In a call for testing, it would be nice if you add a few usage examples, or things that you would like people to test. What you are currently suggesting is to check if the snap can be installed, but we should also test the usage.

I tested it with the snapcraft source code, and everything worked here as expected :smiley:

Ping @royabouhamad, are you still interested in contributing with the maintenance of this snap, now that google code-in has finished? We would be happy to get your help here.

Hey @elopio,
At the moment I’ve got my A-Levels coming up and am concentrating mainly on those, hence my lack of contribution to the snap over the past couple of months. Would it be possible to transfer the snap creation to someone else?

yes. We can maintain it, and you can give us a hand whenever you have the time.

@royabouhamad can you please make a post on the store category asking for the name to be transferred to snapcrafters?