empty... Can´t add my snaps/repos to it


I already had 2 snaps in

My snapcraft is empty and I’m not able to add again my repos (forever loading)

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Can you open the developer console and refresh the page? Do you see any errors in the Javascript console?

This: ?

I can definitely confirm this as an issue. I’ve already submitted a bug report in conjunction with one other party.

I have been using the service for some time (almost a month) and suddenly my repos were gone. When I try to add them again, the green icon just spins indefinitely.

Here’s the output from my browser for anyone who wants it:

2api/launchpad/snaps/list?owner=kz6fittycent Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
api/launchpad/snaps Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)
bundle.9c7c5495b89e55eca027.js:25 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined
    at o (
    at Generator._invoke (
    at Generator.e.(anonymous function) [as throw] (
    at n (
    at <anonymous>
api/launchpad/snaps Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)


{"status":"error","payload":{"code":"lp-error","message":"url: Required input is missing."}}

What can I do to help solve this issue?

Hi @abacao. Can you please file an issue here? Please include the contents of the Javascript console (as you’ve done here), as well as the contents of any failing requests in the network tab of the developer tools.

You may need to refresh the page once you’ve opened the network tab:

Thank you

@evan I have opened the issue here:

@kz6fittycent can you please add you information there?


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