Bug. Can't install jetbrains products

Screenshot from 2024-05-24 13-17-39

Hi! Apologies for the issue, it looks like a store hicckup. Looking at https://status.snapcraft.io/ there are some outages today.

Hello. No, this problem seems to be related to jetbrains products only. Just another example:

Seems okay here.

Hmm. Very strange. I’ve been having this problem for several days. Ubuntu 24 and 22. App center breaks down when you try to open it

Do you have some mis-configured firewall, a proxy or something similar in use (it works well here too) ?

Ah, I know why.

You’re in Russia. I suspect the Intellij products are geo blocked there.

Sorry, nothing we can do to fix that, but a VPN might work :innocent:

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You are absolutely right I am from Russia. I’ll try VPN, but I can download phpstorm from https://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/download/ with no restrictions

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