Breeze Cursor Not Being detected

I have been facing this issue ever since Plasma 6 got released, am using Arch Linux.

❯ snap --version
snap     2.61.3-1
snapd    2.61.3-1
series   16
cachyos  -
kernel   6.8.1-4-cachyos-lto

I tried, Firefox, spotify Cursor I am using is Breeze Light from plasma 6

Hi ! @Syntist .

Can you give more information about the issue ?

Yes, the issue is snap apps are not following new Plasma 6.0 Cursor. All app i tried fall back to old cursor, even though i have installed gnome -theme package on snap.

Discord, firefox, brave, vscode. They are not respecting the cursor theme

If you zoom into the images i shared and check the cursor on dolphin and cursor on snap apps

Perhaps, theses snaps are not compatible with Plasma 6.0 .

According to my understanding the gtk-common-theme doesn’t contain breeze-light cursor theme maybe that can be an issue.

Yes @Syntist , I seriously think so.

@baldeuniversel is it possible to mount icons themes from host system. So the themes are detected?

Yep ! You can share your custom icons like this (after downloading them):

sudo mv your-custom-icons-folder /usr/share/icons

After downloading and share your custom icons, you can use some tools to perform what you want (like gnome-tweaks

Okay, so basically snap uses system themes? But still it can’t detect the breeze cursor theme?

@Syntist !

By default, I don’t think (according to the latest news :slightly_smiling_face:).

The snap (like spotify) in question must have to perform some config like this :

name: your-snap-name
version: '1.0'
summary: Your Snap Summary
description: |
  Your Snap Description

    interface: content
    target: $SNAP/share/themes
    default-provider: gtk-common-themes
    interface: content
    target: $SNAP/share/icons
    default-provider: gtk-common-themes
    interface: content
    target: $SNAP/share/sounds
    default-provider: gtk-common-themes

    command: desktop-launch $SNAP/bin/your-app
    plugs: [gtk-3-themes, icon-themes, sound-themes]

I actually don’t think that should be an issue, alot of app doesn’t respect KDE Default Cursor Themes like breeze_light etc, I tried slack, spotify, vscode till this date, same issue. I tried everything in order to get the cursor working. Why don’t we just link the icon folder from system to sandboxed app, which will resolve this kind of issues.

Adwaita Cursor, I even changed the cursor inside /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme same issue

Edited: Found a fix, I had to disconnect the gtk-icon-theme and connect kde-icon-theme in order to get the cursor working, which isn’t a good solution, this support should be provided by default, instead of relying on the developer to incoperate these changes. He doesn’t know if the app gonna be use on gnome or kde?

Solution to get Breeze cursor working is snap connect :icon-theme icon-theme-breeze, this should happen automatically, but you’ll have to do manually for it too work for now.

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