Behavior of $SNAP under KDE Wayland

Issue: The app icon is showing correctly in Application Dashboard and Krunner. But in task switcher the default wayland icon is displayed.

This is the .desktop file:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Trackself time tracker

If I hardcode the Icon path to /snap/trackself/current/meta/gui/trackself.png then the task switcher can find it too.

Based on this, my novice mind assumes that the issue is in the task switcher not having the $SNAP environment variable set correctly.

Anybody got any suggestions how to work around this problem? Obviously I do not want to hard code the icon path.

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The true desktop file that’s exposed is in /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications and the files under that folder have the proper icon paths. I am also not sure what’s the real issue. Looking into this for long now.