Thanks so much for raising these issues. I’ve edited the document and also included your earlier suggested paragraph.
At what point can we drop the recommendation to keep using core20 until core22 is adequately fully-featured?
Thanks for mentioning this. I think that point is now (I’ve edited it) and we should probably carefully word such admonitions in the future so we don’t have to go back through our docs and edit things.
Core22 only works with LXD>6, should this document and or snapcraft say so?
~/canonical/snaps/geheim% sudo snap refresh --channel 4.x/stable snapcraft
snapcraft (4.x/stable) 4.8 from Canonical✓ refreshed
~/canonical/snaps/geheim% snapcraft --debug --use-lxd
Launching a container.
Project base changed from 'core20' to 'core22', cleaning first.
The 'LXD' provider does not support base 'core22'
Recommended resolution:
Ensure build-base or base are correct in the snapcraft.yaml file.
For more information, check out:
~/canonical/snaps/geheim% sudo snap refresh --channel 5.x/stable snapcraft
snapcraft (5.x/stable) 5.0 from Canonical✓ refreshed
~/canonical/snaps/geheim% snapcraft --debug --use-lxd
Launching a container.
Build environment is in unknown state, cleaning first.
The 'LXD' provider does not support base 'core22'
Recommended resolution:
Ensure build-base or base are correct in the snapcraft.yaml file.
For more information, check out:
~/canonical/snaps/geheim% sudo snap refresh --channel 6.x/stable snapcraft
snapcraft (6.x/stable) 6.1 from Canonical✓ refreshed
~/canonical/snaps/geheim% snapcraft --debug --use-lxd
Launching a container.
Build environment is in unknown state, cleaning first.
The 'LXD' provider does not support base 'core22'
Recommended resolution:
Ensure build-base or base are correct in the snapcraft.yaml file.
For more information, check out:
Thanks for asking about this, and for including the detailed output from the different versions of Snapcraft. I think it’s worth mentioning, maybe in the Build providers - cc @medubelko.
Since this affects a page that was recently migrated, I’m tracking @nteodosio’s suggestion here: Docs: Cover the minimum versions for build providers · Issue #5211 · canonical/snapcraft · GitHub
Once the work is done on GH I’ll backport it to this page.
Do you mean to say, “Core22 only works with LXDSnapcraft>6”?
This is listed in the new version of this doc but hasn’t been backported to this discourse page.