Automatic Interface Auto-Connection Request for Accountable2You

I’d like to request that this interface:
snap connect accountable2you:home-read-all

…be automatically connected for this app:

We need to pass some variables from the app-running-as-user to the remove-hook-running-as-root in order to remotely log the app’s uninstall event. We are using this interface to make that happen.

Please note that granting ‘read: all’ grants your snap the ability to read all user data on the system, which is very privileged and surprising as a user.

You state that “we need to pass some variables from the app-running-as-user to the remove-hook-running-as-root in order to remotely log the app’s uninstall event. We are using this interface to make that happen”. ‘snap remove’ is sufficient to remove user data. I’m not sure what is included in your “uninstall event”, but it might be possible for your snap to instead write out something to SNAP_COMMON as the user or communicate with a monitoring daemon in your snap to register usage events. In this manner, the remove hook could consult this data to see what users did with your application, which might be enough for the uninstall event.

If that doesn’t seem like it would work, can you describe in detail what you are trying to do and why it doesn’t work?

@jdstrand Curious if you got my message here:

I did and I responded just now.

Based on How to pass a variable to remove hook?, I’ve removed this from the queue.

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