Autoconnect request for celluloid

Hey there similar to Autoconnect Request For MPV i want to seek autoconnect request for removable media for celluloid, its a media player and users would expect access to removable-media OOTB.

Hence please initiate this request.

Do note;

Celluloid Snap is recognised by upstream as a acknowledged way of application distribution. See : &

Snap Manifest;

Thank you.

Even if removable-media may bring some privacy concerns, it is expected for a media player to access it (as it has already been discussed many times for other media players). For consistency and especially considering that it has been recognized by upstream, +1 from me to grant celluloid auto-connection to removable-media.

At the completion of the voting period (assuming successful), publisher vetting will be required though.

Unless I’m mistaken Celluloid is the new name for MPV, so definitely +1 from me.

Celluloid is a simple gtk interface for mpv with some batteries, both are different apps in themselves. :upside_down_face:

Celluloid uses portals, simply forcing use of portals will do the job. Just add this in your apps part

      GDK_DEBUG: portals

Because celluloid is still using gtk_file_chooser_native as the given code above shows, this issue is persistent. When they move to the new gtk_file_dialog even this will also not be necessary. This will work in any averagely modern distro like Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. Same thing is done with gnome-text-editor also.

This is a very old already discussed issue

As you @SamAlex you can see here, I can access files from /mnt using your celluloid snap itself.

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Hey @soumyaDghosh thanks for letting me know, on Jammy, trying to run celluloid with

GDK_DEBUG=portals celluloid

Doesn’t let me access my memory card slot, located at /media/xyz.

Even if the above work i would just prefer a foolproof solution as i believe older versions of portals may not give the expected result (correct if am wrong ?) also the snap is being used in devices of Ubuntu 16.04 & 18.04 and i think its great to maintain backward compatibility as these versions (16-22) doesn’t have libs needed to compile newer versions of celluloid , hence PPAs are also stuck at older versions of the app for them.

Hence i will want to proceed with this request regardless of the fact the above work or not, for discussion a new topic should be preferred as this post will become cluttersome.

@Igor can we please do the publisher vetting for this snap


Is publisher vetting required despite the fact that the snap is endorsed by the upstream ?

Yes it is required. Just to be 100% clear, can you please point out to the official homepage for the upstream project?

I get it ,I mentioned the needed link in the initial request phase, its here ;


Ping @review-team , Any Updates on this ?

Hi @SamAlex I’m picking up the publisher vetting from here. could you please get back to my DM that I just sent you. Thanks

The link that you’re pointing to in the acknowledgement is not valid anymore.

Also, afaiu you don’t have any official connection with the project and you’re only publishing+maintaining the snap for it, correct? Thanks.

Also, afaiu you don’t have any official connection with the project and you’re only publishing+maintaining the snap for it, correct? Thanks.

That’s correct.

The link that you’re pointing to in the acknowledgement is not valid anymore.


You can simply suggest users to install portals, because I can confirm that it works, but the portals isn’t installed out of the box, which it should be.

Then, add GDK_DEBUG: 'portals' in the apps env part.

@SamAlex as the publisher of the snap, since you’re not related to the upstream project in any ways, the publisher vetting cannot be complete. I’d suggest you pursue one of the two following options in order for us to be able to perform the publisher vetting:

  1. add a developer from the upstream to the snap, so that we can perform the publisher vetting on them.
  2. become involved in the upstream project as a developer and we can pick up the publisher vetting from there.

please let us know about this. Thanks.

@sahnaseredini In that case i would like to stall this request for auto-connect for now and re-pursue it in the future.


@SamAlex - Thank you for letting us know. In that case we are removing this request from our review queue. When you have a update regarding this request, simply reply here and we can add the request back to the queue. Thanks.