Auto review for checkbox-koto-classic

  • name: checkbox-koto-classic (TxWAK8IpV7ywZZXnxDSP5yN2cURuUXhj)
  • description: This is the checkbox for koto project with classic image.
  • snapcraft:
  • upstream: PRIVATE
  • upstream-relation: The publisher is ce-certification-qa which is the sharing account for publish project specific checkbox.
  • reasoning: We intend to run this snap with the classic image and perform the relevant testing.

[v] I understand that strict confinement is generally preferred over classic.

[v] I’ve tried the existing interfaces to make the snap to work under strict confinement.

Note that snappy-debug can be used to identify possible required interfaces. See for more information.

checkbox-koto-classic fits the supported category of debug tools and the requirements for classic confinement are understood. I have vetted the publisher. This is now live.

Thanks for the help!