Auto-connections for btop-desktop

Requesting the following auto-connections for the btop-desktop snap:


This will allow the snap to behave as one would expect, and given the adoption of btop, it makes sense to make the transition it much more seamless.

+1 from me, the htop and btop snaps already connect these interfaces and users would expect this functionality to just work.

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Hey @kz6fittycent

Could you provide a bit more context about why is process-control needed? According to your last comment in btop request, I expected it to not be needed anymore. Has any new functionality been added or anything changed since then?

process-control is definitely required for killing processes. I just confirmed that it doesn’t work in btop-desktop after disconnecting it.

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Yes…and I was wrong. I was going to circle back to that after this snap got any approvals.


Make sense then. +1 from me for granting btop-desktop auto-connection to system-observe, process-control, hardware-observe and mount-control

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out of interest - @kz6fittycent I see you already have the snap btop - why not just integrate a desktop file etc into this snap rather than having two very similar snaps in the store (which I think would just create confusion for users). ie. if I am running a desktop and I want to have btop from both the CLI and as a launcher in GNOME, would I have to install both snaps? This seems a bit wasteful IMO.

So, here’s the thing. I worked with the upstream dev on the same concept. It wasn’t well received by the community, so we split them up and everyone was happy w/ that.

thanks for the explanation @kz6fittycent, +1 from my end on granting auto-connect to these interfaces for btop-desktop snap



+2 votes for, 0 votes against, granting auto-connection of requested system-observe, process-control, hardware-observe and mount-observe interface to snap btop-desktop. This is now live.

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