Auto connection request for hon-s70-hal-app and hon-s70-camera-app

This is a request to auto connect hon-s70-hal-app and hon-s70-camera-app. Currently, these apps are connected manually using an script but there is a new internal request to chage this using auto-connection.

The following are the interfaces needed for auto-connection:

|                 Plug                  |                   Slot                    |
| hon-s70-hal-app:alsa                  | snapd:alsa                                |
| hon-s70-hal-app:block-devices         | snapd:block-devices                       |
| hon-s70-hal-app:camera                | snapd:camera                              |
| hon-s70-camera-app:systemboot-plug    | hon-s70-hal-app:systemboot-slot           |
| hon-s70-hal-app:extra-bin-partition   | hon-hbt-s70-gadget:shared-bin-producer    |
| hon-s70-camera-app:dbus-av-server     | hon-s70-hal-app:dbus-av-server            |
| hon-s70-camera-app:dbus-ioctrl-server | hon-s70-hal-app:dbus-ioctrl-server        |
| hon-s70-hal-app:dbus-camera-app       | hon-s70-camera-app:dbus-camera-app        |
| hon-s70-hal-app:dbus-rtsp-server      | hon-s70-camera-app:dbus-rtsp-server       |
| hon-s70-hal-app:dbus-signal           | hon-s70-camera-app:dbus-signal            |
| hon-s70-hal-app:dbus-system-server    | hon-s70-camera-app:dbus-system-server     |
| hon-s70-hal-app:dsp                   | hon-hbt-s70-gadget:dsp-ambarella          |
| hon-s70-hal-app:gpio                  | hon-hbt-s70-gadget:alarm-input            |
| hon-s70-hal-app:gpio                  | hon-hbt-s70-gadget:alarm-output           |
| hon-s70-hal-app:gpio                  | hon-hbt-s70-gadget:cover-detection-button |
| hon-s70-hal-app:gpio                  | hon-hbt-s70-gadget:green-led              |
| hon-s70-hal-app:gpio                  | hon-hbt-s70-gadget:hardware-reset-enable  |
| hon-s70-hal-app:gpio                  | hon-hbt-s70-gadget:ir-flip                |
| hon-s70-hal-app:gpio                  | hon-hbt-s70-gadget:iris-sel-1             |
| hon-s70-hal-app:gpio                  | hon-hbt-s70-gadget:iris-sel-2             |
| hon-s70-hal-app:gpio                  | hon-hbt-s70-gadget:red-led                |
| hon-s70-hal-app:gpio                  | hon-hbt-s70-gadget:reset-button           |
| hon-s70-hal-app:gpio                  | hon-hbt-s70-gadget:sd-pin-1               |
| hon-s70-hal-app:gpio                  | hon-hbt-s70-gadget:sd-pin-2               |
| hon-s70-hal-app:gpio-control          | snapd:gpio-control                        |
| hon-s70-hal-app:i2c                   | hon-hbt-s70-gadget:i2c-0                  |
| hon-s70-hal-app:i2c                   | hon-hbt-s70-gadget:i2c-3                  |
| hon-s70-hal-app:kernel-module-control | snapd:kernel-module-control               |
| hon-s70-hal-app:network-control       | snapd:network-control                     |
| hon-s70-hal-app:process-control       | snapd:process-control                     |
| hon-s70-hal-app:pwm                   | hon-hbt-s70-gadget:ir-led-1               |
| hon-s70-hal-app:pwm                   | hon-hbt-s70-gadget:ir-led-2               |
| hon-s70-hal-app:pwm                   | hon-hbt-s70-gadget:main-heater            |
| hon-s70-hal-app:pwm                   | hon-hbt-s70-gadget:power-board-heater     |
| hon-s70-hal-app:raw-volume            | hon-hbt-s70-gadget:ptb-partition          |
| hon-s70-hal-app:tpm                   | snapd:tpm                                 |

Thank youPreformatted text

Thanks, whilst this could be done from a snap declaration, I believe it is possible to use the gadget snap to perform the autoconnections directly as per Can you please try and investigate this instead as this is a more flexible solution and which you have more direct control over as the snap publisher.

@alexmurray as their snap won’t be preload with image, and what you suggested is only for first boot. I think using snap declaration is still the better option here.

@alexmurray In this case, pls continue to support this request :slightly_smiling_face:

This should now be live, let me know if you have any issues.

Note - I did not do anything for these two:

| hon-s70-camera-app:systemboot-plug    | hon-s70-hal-app:systemboot-slot           |
| hon-s70-hal-app:extra-bin-partition   | hon-hbt-s70-gadget:shared-bin-producer    |

As content interfaces between the same publisher should auto-connect already.

Hello Alex,

Could you also enable the following interfaces?:

|Plug                                     |Slot                             |
|hon-s70-camera-app:kernel-module-control |:kernel-module-control           |
|hon-s70-camera-app:raw-volume            |hon-hbt-s70-gadget:ptb-partition |
|hon-s70-camera-app:sys-access-read-write |:system-files                    |

Thanks in advace for your support.

@mhdzr This should be done now for these additional interfaces - please let me know if you have any issues.

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Hello Alex,

This interfaces are also needed:

|Plug                                |Slot                                   | 
|hon-s70-camera-app:raw-usb          |:raw-usb                               |
|hon-s70-hal-app:dbus-wifi-utility   |hon-s70-camera-app:dbus-wifi-utility   |

Could you also enable them?

Thans in advance for your support.


Regarding raw-volume interface applied to hon-s70-camera-app and hon-s70-hal-app, please change snapcraft.yaml to use the following approach in order to make it connected to the specific slot which is ptb-partition:

    interface: raw-volume

and your apps also need to change accordingly:

    command: foo
    - access-ptb-partition

Once you’ve done the changes, please upload them to store and the Store/Snapd team will review again.

Hello @alexmurray @woodrow,

Can you help me to enable these auto connections for the next snap Manage collaboration for “hon-s70-corner-hal-app” ( please?

|                 Plug                  		 |                   		Slot                         |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:alsa                    |  snapd:alsa                                           |    
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:block-devices           |  snapd:block-devices                                  |   
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:camera                  |  snapd:camera                                         |   
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:active-conf             |  hon-s70-camera-app:active-conf                       |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:extra-bin-partition     |  hbt-sec-camera-s70-corner-gadget:shared-bin-producer |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:log4cpp-conf            |  hon-s70-camera-app:log4cpp-conf                      |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:log4cpp-logs            |  hon-s70-camera-app:log4cpp-logs                      |
| hon-s70-camera-app:dbus-av-server              |  hon-s70-corner-hal-app:dbus-av-server                |
| hon-s70-camera-app:dbus-ioctrl-server          |  hon-s70-corner-hal-app:dbus-ioctrl-server            |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:dbus-camera-app         |  hon-s70-camera-app:dbus-camera-app                   |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:dbus-fw-upgrade         |  hon-s70-camera-app:dbus-fw-upgrade                   |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:dbus-rtsp-server        |  hon-s70-camera-app:dbus-rtsp-server                  |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:dbus-signal             |  hon-s70-camera-app:dbus-signal                       |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:dbus-system-server      |  hon-s70-camera-app:dbus-system-server                |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:dbus-wifi-utility       |  hon-s70-camera-app:dbus-wifi-utility                 |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:dsp                     |  hbt-sec-camera-s70-corner-gadget:dsp-ambarella       |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:alarm-input0-control    |  hbt-sec-camera-s70-corner-gadget:alarm-input0        |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:alarm-output-control    |  hbt-sec-camera-s70-corner-gadget:alarm-output        |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:gpio                    |  snapd:gpio                                   		 |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:reset-button-control    |  hbt-sec-camera-s70-corner-gadget:reset-button        |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:gpio-control            |  snapd:gpio-control                                   |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:home                    |  :home                                                |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:audio-imx-sensor        |  hbt-sec-camera-s70-corner-gadget:i2c-0               |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:i2c                     |  snapd:i2c                                            |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:light-sensor            |  hbt-sec-camera-s70-corner-gadget:i2c-2               |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:temperature-sensor      |  hbt-sec-camera-s70-corner-gadget:i2c-3               |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:kernel-module-control   |  :kernel-module-control                               |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:amba-netlink            |  hbt-sec-camera-s70-corner-gadget:netlink-ambarella   |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:network                 |  :network                                             |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:network-bind            |  :network-bind                                        |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:network-control         |  :network-control                                     |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:physical-memory-observe |  :physical-memory-observe                             |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:process-control         |  :process-control                                     |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:access-ptb-partition    |  hbt-sec-camera-s70-corner-gadget:ptb-partition       |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:access-sdcard-partition |  hbt-sec-camera-s70-corner-gadget:sdcard-partition    |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:shutdown                |  :shutdown                                            |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:system-backup           |  :system-backup                                       |
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:tee                     |  :tee                                                 | 
| hon-s70-corner-hal-app:tpm                     |  :tpm                                                 |

Hi @cesarmiguel,

Requests for snaps in brand stores are best handled via the regular support channels instead of the snapcraft forum so they can be handled by the correct team.


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